Spring 2023 Update – New Features & Improvements

Today we are excited to announce a series of new features and improvements to our SEO tools suite. Our developers have been hard at work and we can’t wait for you to see what’s in store.

We’ll dive into the details of what’s new and how it will benefit you. Before we begin, here is our Winter 2022/2023 update in case you missed it. ❄️

What Ranks Where

Search Again Option

You can now re-run a search by simply clicking on the “Search Again” option located in the three-dot menu on the history page, as shown below: Spring 2023 Update – New Features & Improvements

This way, you can easily re-run a search, without having to select search parameters again. The system will retrieve the search parameters used for the previous search and automatically fill out the form for you.

Keyword Lists

Recurring Revenues in SEO ROI Calculator

As you might know, we recently released a new feature called SEO ROI Calculator. In short, this feature helps you calculate return on investment, whether it’s for yourself or a potential client. You can read more about it here…

Since every business is different, we added a new option to the calculator, allowing you to switch from “Lifetime Value” to “Recurring Revenue”, in case this is for a subscription-based business, like a SaaS company for example.

If you tick the “Recurring Revenue?” slider, the “Lifetime Value” column will turn into two separate columns: “Average Revenue Per Customer” and “Retention Rate”. These are numbers that you can modify of course.

Recurring Revenue in SEO ROI Calculator

The idea here is to help you get more accurate results.

If you don’t know how to use our SEO ROI Calculator tool, watch this video…

Rank Tracker

Add Keywords to List

You can now add keywords to a list directly from Rank Tracker.

All you need to do is to select the keywords you want to add to a list and click the “Add to List” button at the bottom.

Add Keywords to List

You will then be able to select a list, or even create a new list, directly from that window.

Add Keywords to List Modal Window

Please note that this new option is also available in Local Tracker, in addition to our Keyword Research tools: Ultimate Research, What Ranks Where and Long Tail Keywords.

Notifications & Alerts

New Pause Function

You can now pause notifications and alerts using the Enabled / Disabled slider, as shown in the screenshots below:

Pause Notifications & Alerts

If the slider is ticked, it means the notification or alert is enabled. If it is unticked, it means it is disabled, as you would have guessed.

Pause Function in Notifications & Alerts

This new option is available for both notifications and alerts, as well as filter email notifications, as you can see in the screenshot above.

Note that for filter email notifications, the slider is also displayed in the “Setup Filter” modal window, as shown below:

Pause Function in Domain Filter Modal Window

Citation Scanner

Rescan Option

You can now rescan citations with the click of a mouse using the new “Rescan” option, which is located in the three-dot menu on the history page.

Rescan Option in Citation Scanner

In short, this new function automatically fills out the form using the search parameters you used for the original scan.

Search Modal Window

Just make sure you check all fields before clicking the “SCHEDULE REPORT” button. This should, over time, save you a fair amount of time.

New Directories

We added a few more directories to both Citation Scanner and Competitor Citations, which means more citation opportunities for yourself and your clients.

More new features and improvements are coming soon. Stay tuned!

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If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

Remember you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN.

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